Terms and Conditions

Welcome! We’re excited about your interest in volunteering with Volunteer The World. Before you submit your online application, please take a moment to carefully review these Terms and Conditions. By submitting your application, you agree to these terms.


  • Responsibility: You are responsible for arranging your own flights and travel to your volunteer destination. Volunteer The World does not offer travel assistance.
  • Research: Our website provides general advice about passports, visas, and health requirements. It’s your responsibility to conduct your own research and ensure you have all necessary documents for your trip.
  • Costs: You are responsible for all costs associated with obtaining visas, passports, and any necessary vaccinations.
  • Compliance: It’s your responsibility to comply with all visa and entry requirements for your chosen country. Volunteer The World is not liable if you are denied entry due to incorrect documentation.


  • Requirement: All volunteers are required to have valid travel insurance for the duration of their program. Volunteer The World does not provide insurance.
  • Coverage: You are responsible for selecting the type and level of insurance that meets your needs.


  • Pre-Departure Information: While our pre-departure packages include information on immunizations, you are responsible for verifying and confirming the specific immunizations required for your destination.
  • Your Responsibility: We recommend that you visit your health professional at least eight weeks before traveling outside your country. Volunteer The World does not provide medical advice.


  • Program Structure: Our programs operate with a two-fee structure: Registration Fees and Program Fees.
  • Registration Fees: All participants pay a registration fee to secure their placement. This fee varies depending on whether it’s your first program or an additional program. Registration fees are non-refundable once your placement is confirmed.
    • The Registration Fee for the volunteers initial (first) project is: US$219.
    • All additional programs will incur a Registration Fee of: US$129.
  • Program Fees: Details about program fees are listed on each program page on our website. Program fees are subject to change, but fees for registered participants won’t change.
  • Payment Schedule: Program fees are due six weeks before your program start date. Late bookings require immediate payment.
  • Fee Distribution: 90% of program fees are sent to the local organization hosting you. The remaining 10% covers bank fees and other transactional charges.
  • Refund Policy: Volunteer The World reserves the right to review any refund requests. We offer a sliding scale refund depending on the time of cancellation. There are no refunds for cancellations within 14 days of your program start date.

Booking Changes:

  • Changes Allowed: Changes to your start date and duration can be made without charge before your program is confirmed. After confirmation, you are allowed one free change. Additional changes require a fee. Changes made within 14 days of your start date incur an additional late change fee.

Local Rules:

  • Compliance: You agree to abide by all laws and regulations of your host country, as well as the rules set by our local partner organization, volunteer placement institution, and your host family. Failure to comply can result in dismissal from the program without a refund.
  • Code of Conduct: You must read and comply with our Code of Conduct before participating in a project.

Drug and Alcohol Use:

  • Prohibition: Drug use (other than those prescribed by a doctor) is strictly prohibited. Alcohol consumption is subject to the rules of your host organization, placement institution, and host family. Violation of these rules will result in immediate dismissal from the program without a refund.

Electronic Communications:

  • Consent: By using our website or sending emails to us, you consent to receiving electronic communications from Volunteer The World.


  • Information Collection: We collect certain information about our website traffic and store it in log files. This information does not identify individual volunteers.
  • Cookies: We use cookies to track your movements around the site and gather demographic information.
  • Security: We follow industry standards to protect your personal information. However, no method of transmission over the Internet is 100% secure.
  • Confidentiality: We keep all information you submit confidential. However, we reserve the right to use your information for marketing and promotional purposes with your permission.

Volunteer Content:

  • Definition: “Volunteer Content” includes any information or content you submit to our website, such as photographs, videos, or blog posts about your volunteer experiences.
  • Grant of Use: By submitting content, you grant Volunteer The World permission to use it for any purpose, including marketing and promotion.
  • review any content you submit and remove it, or terminate your access to our website, if it violates our terms or creates liability for us.

Force Majeure:

  • Definition: We are not liable for any compensation if our performance or the performance of our partners is prevented by unforeseen circumstances, such as war, natural disasters, or political unrest.


  • Agreement: You agree to indemnify and hold Volunteer The World and the local host organization harmless from any liability arising from your travel, stay, and volunteer activities.

Legal Disclaimer, Limitations, and Exclusions of Liability:

  • Equal Opportunity: Volunteer The World is an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate in our hiring, volunteering, or employment practices.
  • Risk Acknowledgement: You acknowledge and accept sole responsibility for any risks associated with volunteering, including physical injury, financial loss, emotional trauma, or even death.
  • Standards of Living: Volunteer placements are often in areas with lower standards of living than you may be accustomed to. Volunteer The World cannot accept responsibility for accidents, injuries, or loss of personal effects.
  • Flexibility: You agree to be flexible and understand that itineraries, accommodations, and transportation may change without notice. We are not responsible for any costs incurred due to these changes.
  • Third-Party Partners: We contract with local partners to assist with your volunteer placement. While we believe these partners are qualified, Volunteer The World is not liable for any injury, damage, or loss caused by their actions.
  • Content Disclaimer: We disclaim any liability regarding the content you provide. We cannot verify its accuracy and are not responsible for any reliance on that information.
  • Release of Liability: By using our website or information, you agree to release Volunteer The World, our agents, employees, host families, and volunteers from any liability related to any losses or damages incurred by you.
  • Indemnification: You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Volunteer The World and its releases from any legal actions arising from your volunteer placement.
  • No Guarantees: While our programs are designed to be beneficial, we cannot guarantee specific results.

Website Disclaimer:

  • Information Disclaimer: The information on our website is provided “as is” and we make no warranties about its accuracy or completeness. We reserve the right to modify the content and information at any time.
  • Security Disclaimer: We do not guarantee the security of any information transmitted to or from our website. You agree to assume the security risk for any information you provide.

General Provisions:

  • Modifications to Terms: We may change these Terms and Conditions at any time. Your continued use of our website signifies your agreement to the revised terms.
  • Modifications to Information: We reserve the right to modify the information on our website at any time. Continued use signifies your acceptance of the changes.
  • Severability: If any provision of these terms is found to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force.
  • Governing Law: These Terms and Conditions are construed in accordance with the laws of [Insert Country Here], and any legal action must be filed in that jurisdiction.
  • Injunctive Relief: A breach of this agreement may cause irreparable harm to Volunteer The World and we may seek injunctive relief.
  • Remedies: Any controversy arising from these Terms and Conditions will be settled through arbitration or mediation, as agreed upon by both parties. If arbitration or mediation fails, the issue may be resolved by the courts.
  • Legal Fees: The prevailing party in any legal proceeding will be entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.
  • Restriction on Contacting Partners: You agree not to directly contact any of our partner organizations without our written approval, except for confirming travel arrangements or providing requested information.

By using our website or information, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these Terms and Conditions.

If you do not agree to any of these terms, please do not use our website or information.